May 2, 2021: My enamorment with Alison Bechdel is ever-expanding. We had a lovely valley after my first letter to her, years ago. She immediately, graciously agreed to loan her work to my modest efforts to support USPS last year. Every interview I read/listen to solidifies my sense of her deep decency. So what a balm to pre-order to her new book, and know I had quality company to look forward to, someone to root on for having managed to continue their work under impossible circumstances. It's a rule that I buy work from any artist of any kind who's participated in the epistolarium (an important one, when there are so many ways to glut for free), but it's never felt quite this good. I'm looking forward to seeing my favorite artists continue on in the same way I'm looking forward to covering all my friends' faces in kisses, and it's a feeling I'm relishing.