In 2012, Emily Farranto invited me to participate in The One Series, a fantastically ambitious endeavor at the Salon Gallery. With fellow curators Kathy Rodriguez and Natalie Sciortino-Rinehart, Emily sought out twenty-eight artists to put on a series of one-night shows throughout the month of June.
I decided to use this as an opportunity to try to spread my postal habit. I got a number of my images printed as formal postcards and turned the Salon into a salon-ish space for writing. I brought in furniture, provided stamps and writing utensils, and created a playlist featuring exclusively artists who have gotten one of the great commemorations: a postage stamp. My dear friend Z Behl made a sketch of me that I turned into the image of a stamp, which was included in the invitation.
The show's title comes from a quote of Ernest Hemingway's I found that I loved and felt expressed the spirit of the thing: 'Or don't you like to write letters. I do because it's such a swell way to keep from working and yet feel you've done something.'
Emily's review is here; my show was June 4: theoneseries2012.blogspot.c...