January 21, 2022: I treated myself to a proper holiday in December, trotting about London, and have a backlog of fanned Brits as a result, but I watched a Sundance film and Q&A today and realized one British woman warrants an immediate encomium. Tabitha Jackson's the first woman (and first person of color, AND first person born outside of the US) to direct the Sundance Film Festival; by all evidence she's also an irrefutably fashionable, adaptable, generous, and hilarious sassy icon of a genius. I met her briefly at an event in December with the Ross Brothers, and adored her immediately - she went on stage in intentionally mismatched shoes and had a joke prepared about it. She makes me want to stay in film. And please watch "Riotsville, USA" as soon as you can. (Photo by Jill Greenberg)